CREST | A Causal Relation Schema for Text | Natural Language Processing library

 by   phosseini Jupyter Notebook Version: Current License: No License

kandi X-RAY | CREST Summary

kandi X-RAY | CREST Summary

CREST is a Jupyter Notebook library typically used in Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing applications. CREST has no bugs, it has no vulnerabilities and it has low support. You can download it from GitHub.

CREST is created to help researchers who work on causal/counterfactual relation extraction/classification, commonsense reasoning, and reading comprehension in natural language to communicate easier and leverage the scattered data resources around this topic. CREST is a user-friendly machine-readable format stored as pandas DataFrame.

            kandi-support Support

              CREST has a low active ecosystem.
              It has 6 star(s) with 2 fork(s). There are 1 watchers for this library.
              It had no major release in the last 6 months.
              CREST has no issues reported. There are no pull requests.
              It has a neutral sentiment in the developer community.
              The latest version of CREST is current.

            kandi-Quality Quality

              CREST has 0 bugs and 0 code smells.

            kandi-Security Security

              CREST has no vulnerabilities reported, and its dependent libraries have no vulnerabilities reported.
              CREST code analysis shows 0 unresolved vulnerabilities.
              There are 0 security hotspots that need review.

            kandi-License License

              CREST does not have a standard license declared.
              Check the repository for any license declaration and review the terms closely.
              Without a license, all rights are reserved, and you cannot use the library in your applications.

            kandi-Reuse Reuse

              CREST releases are not available. You will need to build from source code and install.
              Installation instructions are not available. Examples and code snippets are available.
              It has 901875 lines of code, 46 functions and 1220 files.
              It has high code complexity. Code complexity directly impacts maintainability of the code.

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            Currently covering the most popular Java, JavaScript and Python libraries. See a Sample of CREST
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            CREST Key Features

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            CREST Examples and Code Snippets

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            Community Discussions


            Create hierarchical summary of XML nodes
            Asked 2022-Mar-24 at 03:41

            Is there a way of using SQL or Python (or another language) to return the node-tree for an XML document?

            In the XML document example below, the employee node appears twice but the second time it has more nodes within it... same with the address node. Is there a way to return the structure (without values contained within the tags) so that you can see all nodes that exist within another node? Sort of like creating a pivot table of all the field names in an excel document?



            Answered 2022-Mar-24 at 03:41
                replace(trim(regexp_replace(f.path, '[\'\\[\\]@]*' ,''), '$'), '$', ',') as _order
                ,'<'|| f.value::text || '>' as name
            from data, table(flatten(input=>xml, recursive=>true)) f
            where f.key = '@'
            order by _order;



            VB.NET DataGridView End Edits and Cell Movment
            Asked 2022-Mar-18 at 11:28

            I have created a DGV adding CheckBoxColumns and TextBoxColumns. When the user enters a text value in to a TextBoxCell it then takes 2 mouse clicks to move to the next clicked cell, is there a way to allow a single mouse click to allow the next value to be entered in the selected cell straight away?

            Also trying to use the Arrow Up/Down keys after entering a value doesn't move to the relevant new cell? When i use the arrow key is seems to end the edit but doesn't move to the next cell, it looks like the DGV loses focus as the mouse cursor appears.

            I need both of these to work and to allow for immediate edit/ data entry as each text cell is for user input and not being able to use mouse keys to quickly navigate or having to double click with the mouse is causing a lot of wasted time.

            Any help regarding these two issue would be much appreciated!

            Additional Info::

            This is what the grid looks like::

            Grid Layout Image

            The first 2 columns are data populated from a previous form and the data is held in a DataTable, the rest of the columns are added via the program

            With the 3 text columns it takes two clicks on the next cell to move to the requested cell and start to edit if something has been typed, again if something has been typed in a cell and i use the arrow keys doesn't seem to take you to the next cell, it leaves the cell put doesn't start to edit or put the cursor in the expected cell.

            What i am looking for is when i have entered a value in to the Text Columns and click on the next cell it starts to edit straight away or if i use an arrow key it takes you to the relevant cell and starts the edit.

            Below is the full code for the form i have an issue with, i have also added a screenshot of the DGV Properties as i bet all of this is fixed by something simple.

            DGV Settings



            Answered 2022-Mar-18 at 11:28

            Well… the updated code explains numerous issues you may be having. The big picture is that you need to take a little more care when subscribing to some events. It is not difficult to create a problem if you do not take care in checking when and how often your subscribed to events are firing.

            Example, in your current code you have the method…



            Creating a new dataframe with averages from another dataframe with multiple conditions in R
            Asked 2022-Mar-07 at 16:33

            I have fish count data and am trying to create a new dataframe using averages of the measurements based on conditions of two different columns. here is my data:



            Answered 2022-Mar-07 at 16:33
            df %>% 
                group_by(SITE, ZONE) %>% 
                    across(where(is.numeric), mean)
            # A tibble: 15 x 8
            # Groups:   SITE [3]
               SITE  ZONE       C_TOTAL    C_M2 TRANS_A SCARID_T ACAN_T  SIG_T
             1 1     CREST        20    0.0996     213.   12      4.33   3.67 
             2 1     INNER_FLAT    3    0.0111     265.    0.333  0.333  2.33 
             3 1     MID_FLAT      2.33 0.00684    339.    0      0      2.33 
             4 1     OUTER_FLAT   52    0.283      179.   38.3    7.67   6    
             5 1     SLOPE        23.7  0.110      222.   14.3    5      4.33 
             6 2     CREST        25.3  0.148      178.   14      0     11.3  
             7 2     INNER_FLAT    2.67 0.00973    297.    2      0.667  0    
             8 2     MID_FLAT     11    0.0342     296.   10.7    0.333  0    
             9 2     OUTER_FLAT   69    0.402      166.   66      0.667  2.33 
            10 2     SLOPE         6    0.0296     206.    5.67   0      0.333
            11 3     CREST        18.3  0.0928     179.   10      1.67   6.67 
            12 3     INNER_FLAT   18.3  0.0748     256.   15.3    0      3    
            13 3     MID_FLAT      5.33 0.0149     355.    3.33   1.67   0.333
            14 3     OUTER_FLAT   42.3  0.241      191.   38.3    0.333  3.67 
            15 3     SLOPE         2    0.0106     193.    1      0      1



            Curve fitting in Python, need almost exact match of the shape of the curve rather than a curve that minimize mean square difference
            Asked 2022-Mar-04 at 12:54

            The curve and my attempt at fitting:

            I wish to find the coefficients (A, B, C, D, E, F) for my model function: A * x**2 + B * x + C * np.cos(D * x - E) + F that would almost exactly match the blue curve. But because I used SciPy's optimization curve_fit, which finds the curve with the lowest square difference, it's going to look like the red curve in the image. While I would want the red curve to match up with the crests and troughs of the blue curve. Can scipy do this and how do you do it. If not is there any other library that can handle this?



            Answered 2022-Mar-04 at 09:30

            This is the method mentioned by JJacquelin to make a double linear fit. It fits the data and can be used to provide initial guesses for the non-linear fit. Note that for this method, it is required to express P sin( w t + p ) as A sin( w t ) + B cos( w t ), but that is easily done.



            Two ranges/ color-scales within one seaborn heatmap
            Asked 2022-Jan-25 at 17:24

            I was doing quite some research, but couldn't find a satisfying solution yet.

            I'm trying to build a heatmap using seaborn. As my dataset is a bit volatile in a lower range (0-20) but reaches up to 7000 using only one color-scale for all of the data doesn't allow a good graphical interpretation. That's why I thought about using two scales, two different color-spectrums.

            I would like to merge those two heatmaps into one:

            What works so far is that I get both axes (scales) displayed in my plot, but when it comes to plotting the data only the last active axis is taken into account. The upper range is not considered.


            I have also tried to split the data set according to the spectrum, but this was not working. Here is my code:



            Answered 2022-Jan-25 at 16:13

            You need to create the two Axes to plot beforehand, and then use the ax argument when calling sns.heatmap in order to tell seaborn which Axes should have which colormap.

            Example (using mock data):



            Is there a way to return float or integer from a conditional True/False
            Asked 2022-Jan-16 at 14:28
            n_level = range(1, steps + 2)


            Answered 2022-Jan-16 at 14:22

            this can be achieved easily using binary search, there are many ways to apply that(NumPy, bisect). I would recommend the library bisect.

            Added Buu for the Crest and See for the Trough, so that code and differentiate the segments. You can choose anything



            Keyframes not animating height
            Asked 2021-Dec-09 at 05:51

            the keyframes i created in my scss should be animating my height to make it a 2s animation but it has not done that instead the height is just transforming instantly but the width in the same keyframe is being animated.



            Answered 2021-Dec-09 at 05:51


            VBA partial match between two column
            Asked 2021-Nov-12 at 18:00

            I have a workbook with two sheets, "RO" and "LookUp"

            In column K on Sheet "RO" there is a list of addresses and in Column E of "LookUp" there is a list of towns.

            On Sheet "RO" column Q i am trying to extract the town name that matches a town on the list in the "lookUp" sheet.

            I've tried variations of partial Vlookup and index and match functions but they obviously haven't worked because they are backwards (looking up the full address in the towns list rather than the other way around)

            =VLOOKUP("*"&J2&"",'Look up Data'!E:E,1,0)

            I tried doing an if statement using like (i knew it wouldnt work but it might give an idea of what i am trying do) see below.



            Answered 2021-Nov-12 at 17:19

            You need 2 nested loops to iterate the sheets independently.



            A function that takes an array of strings and return a filtered array containing the same element but with the other array elements removed
            Asked 2021-Nov-12 at 11:00
            geese = ["African", "Roman Tufted", "Toulouse", "Pilgrim", "Steinbacher"]
            birds = ["Mallard", "Hook Bill", "African", "Crested", "Pilgrim", "Toulouse", "Blue Swedish"]
            def goose_filter(birds):
               for i in birds:
                  if i in geese:


            Answered 2021-Nov-12 at 11:00
            geese = ["African", "Roman Tufted", "Toulouse", "Pilgrim", "Steinbacher"]
            birds = ["Mallard", "Hook Bill", "African", "Crested", "Pilgrim", "Toulouse", "Blue Swedish"]
            def goose_filter(birds,geese):
               for i in birds:
                  if i in geese:
               return birds
            print(goose_filter(birds,geese)) #['Mallard', 'Hook Bill', 'Crested', 'Toulouse', 'Blue Swedish']



            R - mgsub problem: substrings being replaced not whole strings
            Asked 2021-Nov-04 at 19:58

            I have downloaded the street abbreviations from USPS. Here is the data:



            Answered 2021-Nov-03 at 10:26

            Here is the benchmarking for the existing to OP's question (borrow test data from @Marek Fiołka but with n <- 10000)


            Community Discussions, Code Snippets contain sources that include Stack Exchange Network


            No vulnerabilities reported

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            You can download it from GitHub.


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